I am a happy and grateful guy with a lot of fire in me that sometimes gets the best of me. The red represents that, but the root of that fire is sadness and that is shown with the blue trapped under my eyes. I chose to surround the blue with red because I tend to turn my sadness into anger just because I would rather be angry than sad. But while all of those negative emotions take place, I am still grateful for everything I have. This is what the green shows, holding everything together.

I am a kid with fears. Everyone has them. All of my fears are internal, meaning that I keep them in my head and sometimes they spontaneously pop up. Most of the time, I fear things that are inevitable like death or problems that will occur in the future. Those thoughts tend to bring my whole day down at the weirdest times. But, I tend to cover up my mental thoughts from those outside of my mind by using my smile. Even though I have fears, I enjoying laughing more than anything in this world. So that's why in this piece, I chose to have darker colors placed higher on my head, representing my internal fears, and then those colorful dots getting lighter as they move down my face towards my mouth. This shows that my smile acts as a cover for my fears.

I am orange; friendly and joyful. I am also timid, passive and nervous. That is the white that I constantly try to conceal. I struggle with allowing myself to be vulnerable. The purple around my eyes shows my constant selflessness and calm attitude.

I am a smiling kid with a forever sadness. I have always been told I look sad and have always felt the grip of sadness within my happiness. I am sad for the losses all around and sad for the ending of all great things that are just beginning. The white is the blank space filled with different emotions, connecting the spaces within my thoughts. Each type of sadness is a different size, some lighter, some darker, some small some larger, each of the painted dots show this sizing and coloring, showing the palette of blue that I experience internally.

I am a light green fellow. The blanketing shades of green reference my summers spent in Vermont with my family. I often escape to the memories of Vermont when the speed and concentration of the city overwhelm me. I use this escape because I feel like the city makes me more conscious of maintaining a strong masculine image. The white dots accentuate my jaw line, representing the masculine image that determines how I dress and present myself to others. The purple blending into the green and white around my mouth is the bridge between my rural and urban roots.

I am a happy and grateful guy with a lot of fire in me that sometimes gets the best of me. The red represents that, but the root of that fire is sadness and that is shown with the blue trapped under my eyes. I chose to surround the blue with red because I tend to turn my sadness into anger just because I would rather be angry than sad. But while all of those negative emotions take place, I am still grateful for everything I have. This is what the green shows, holding everything together.
I am a kid with fears. Everyone has them. All of my fears are internal, meaning that I keep them in my head and sometimes they spontaneously pop up. Most of the time, I fear things that are inevitable like death or problems that will occur in the future. Those thoughts tend to bring my whole day down at the weirdest times. But, I tend to cover up my mental thoughts from those outside of my mind by using my smile. Even though I have fears, I enjoying laughing more than anything in this world. So that's why in this piece, I chose to have darker colors placed higher on my head, representing my internal fears, and then those colorful dots getting lighter as they move down my face towards my mouth. This shows that my smile acts as a cover for my fears.
I am orange; friendly and joyful. I am also timid, passive and nervous. That is the white that I constantly try to conceal. I struggle with allowing myself to be vulnerable. The purple around my eyes shows my constant selflessness and calm attitude.
I am a smiling kid with a forever sadness. I have always been told I look sad and have always felt the grip of sadness within my happiness. I am sad for the losses all around and sad for the ending of all great things that are just beginning. The white is the blank space filled with different emotions, connecting the spaces within my thoughts. Each type of sadness is a different size, some lighter, some darker, some small some larger, each of the painted dots show this sizing and coloring, showing the palette of blue that I experience internally.
I am a light green fellow. The blanketing shades of green reference my summers spent in Vermont with my family. I often escape to the memories of Vermont when the speed and concentration of the city overwhelm me. I use this escape because I feel like the city makes me more conscious of maintaining a strong masculine image. The white dots accentuate my jaw line, representing the masculine image that determines how I dress and present myself to others. The purple blending into the green and white around my mouth is the bridge between my rural and urban roots.